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    Thursday, February 21, 2008

    my doorman is a doormat

    One of the +/- 5 revolving doormen (not to be confused with revolving door doormen or revolving revolving door doormen) in my building is such a stickler for rules and regulations that he ruins everyone's lives. Today, he ruined mine.
    In the interest of self-preservation, he unfailingly sides with building management on all things tenant-related. In short, he's a tool.
    People in the service/hospitality industry can accommodate someone whose needs might fall in a gray area of the rulebook while still being a good employee. In fact, that's probably at least 85% of what being an effective doorman is all about: (1) knowing the rules and (2) knowing when you should bend them. The other 15% would include, inter alia, sound judgment, brawn, and observational skills. With this combination, a doorman in NYC can make out with at least 4 figures in tips at the end of the year and build goodwill, which can take you farther than $9,999 ever could.
    * * *
    Analyzing the shortcomings of my doorman has given me peace. I think I'll print a copy of this post and share my genius with him.

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