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    Wednesday, March 12, 2008

    do push-ups

    Needing a reprieve from the relentless coverage of my bedraggled governor, I opted to read a New York Times article on health.
    To wit: An Enduring Measure of Fitness: The Simple Push-Up
    Based on national averages, a 40-year-old woman should be able to do 16 push-ups and a man the same age should be able to do 27. By the age of 60, those numbers drop to 17 for men and 6 for women. Those numbers are just slightly less than what is required of Army soldiers who are subjected to regular push-up tests.
    OMG! So, I just ripped off my jacket and dropped to the floor of my shared office space, but I only made it to 5. I wonder how many other office robots have been doing push-ups today because of this article.
    Anyway, I guess I have a new workplace diversion now (co-workers be derned). Updates on my progress to follow.

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