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    Friday, November 16, 2007

    friends of friends

    my roommate, whom i enjoy, has friends who don't always acknowledge my physical existence when they enter the apartment. even if they have to pass right by my person in our narrow hallway, and even if i look right at them with a friendly expression, and even if i move my dog/random arts+crafts crap out of their way while uttering an apology. it is very strange, tres impoli, and utterly inexplicable, as far as my mind can think.
    one might postulate that my roommate talks the doodoo about me to her friends, and in their loyalty to her, they wish to snub me. but my roommate and i are amicable and friendly, so what's the proverbial dealio?
    a) immaturity
    b) awkwardness in social skills
    c) rudeness incarnate
    d) a higher level of social evolution
    e) it's not them it's me
    i am inclined to 86 b) and e). b) is out because these are entirely normal, socially mainstream, typically adjusted individuals. e) is out because i radiate pure approachable friendliness to these folks (none of my friends would recognize me!).

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