so many things to do, and yet i can't seem to get started on any of them. during the week, i look forward to the weekend, but during the weekend, i can become paralyzed. to characterize the sensation as suicidal would be hyperbole that even i will resist. nevertheless, there is an unyielding strain of misery that runs like a coarse rope beside my superior vena cava, and i am most aware of it during the weekend when i finally pause. its presence has also started to grow increasingly perceptible during the week, which is a problem.
my roommate introduced me to Flipping Out, a house-flipping show on Bravo that features an insufferable boss not unlike her own. apparently, she and i have similar bosses.
watching TV is supposed to be an activity of recreation, leisure, and escape, but when i watch this show, the pit in my stomach that i carry around all day at work quickly returns.
both my sister and i have been interested in flipping houses for some time, and i see it as a money-making endeavor that is an ideal fit for my sensibilities (unlike my current line of work).
the silver lining that i'm trying to draw around this dark stormy cloud is that based on this television show, it would seem that working in any field can be as stressful and unpleasant as my job is when you have an outrageous boss. so i guess it might not be my industry that's the problem, but rather my job. this gives me hope.