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    Friday, July 18, 2008

    creative people see more

    there was recently a medical study comparing the brains of creative people with those of the non-creative. what i gleaned from the write-up was that creative people are evidently more distractable by the many variables of a situation.

    this finding is in line with my own observations. those people i know who i consider to be creative see the many potentialities of a situation, as opposed to one clear path. and that enhanced sight can be a blessing and a curse--seeing the world through a lens of possibilities is both invigorating and paralyzing at the same time. career choice is one obvious example. with an open mind regarding the type of life that could bring joy, the type of goals to strive for, and the ways to achieve those goals, there is often a less clear career path for creative folks than there is for those who are happy as clams if they attain, in any way possible, a) a big house, b) a family, and c) a secure retirement.

    ignorance, it seems, is indeed bliss.

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