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    Sunday, April 5, 2009

    Jobs for Me

    The following is a list of jobs I think I could enjoy, in no particular order (culled from the results of a 5-minute quiz on The Princeton Review's website):

    • set designer. coincidentally, i wrote a paper on this career option in 9th grade, much to the dismay of my uptight Advanced English teacher). but n.b. this would have to be for sets for projects with meaning because ultimately i couldn't stress out about where Gwen Stefani's video screen was.
    • florist. would have to develop green thumb. but like the contribution to aesthetics this job would provide. plus, clear opportunity for own business and distinguish self from rest (competitive spirit satisfied).
    • mediator. a little ho-hum, but easy transition from current job. plus, opportunity for own business. one-on-one counseling element satisfied and working on something with meaning/respected/non-frivolous.
    • trial lawyer. i'm surprised at this one because i have recently realized i detest selling/persuading others (either you see the light or you don't). one-on-one counseling potential, respected work, but ho-hum.
    • writer. yep. but enslaved or free agent?
    • secretary. but too high stakes because your principal relies on you for everything.
    • professor. but need to know too much? satisfies prestige, respectability, non-sell-out but not a sucker, get one-on-one counseling element and showmanship.
    • nutritionist. but low on the rung--why not doctor. = respectability in question. one-on-one counseling/imparting knowledge satisfied. field of interest.
    • fashion designer. yes. i'll take this to include jewelry. but uphill battle w/ $.
    • cosmetologist. yes. i'll take this to include estheticians. one-on-one counseling. work of value. aesthetic-oriented. own business opportunity. potential to school everyone.
    • comedian. yep. uphill battle w/ $.
    • college administrator. yes. one-on-one counseling (if student services/residential related). academic environment = respectable.
    • career counselor. yes. one-on-one counseling, imparting knowledge.
    • artist. see fashion designer.
    • antiques dealer. own business, specialized knowledge, public-oriented.
    • actor. see comedian.

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