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    Sunday, February 21, 2010

    Body Composition Analysis

    I just found an ancient body composition analysis that was performed on me one of the (many) times I joined The Spa in Chapel Hill.

    Behold the results of the Futrex-5000 NIR Assessment:

    Sex: Female
    Current Weight: 124 lbs
    Body Frame: Medium
    Height: 62.0 inches
    Exercise frequency: 4/5
    Exercise intensity: 4/5
    Exercise time: 4/5
    Body Fat: 22.0% (trainer's handwritten note beside this says "Good")
    Fat weight: 27 lbs
    Lean (fat-free weight): 97 lbs
    Total Body Water: 33.10 liters or 58.7%
    Recommended Maximum Weight: Maintain Current Weight

    Based on what I recall of the experience and the chronological history of my life, I'm estimating this analysis must have been conducted 9-12 years ago. Specifically, perhaps the Summer of 1998 (when I was working in Carolina Meadows?), possibly the Summer of 1999 (before and after I worked at the Framingham Heart Study), or possibly the Summer of 2001 while I bided my time between college and moving to NYC. It probably was not high school because I believe I always worked out at The Club for Women Only the whole duration of high school.

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