Sunday, November 9, 2008
Barney Reloaded
My favorite by far is Barney Reloaded. In this caper, Barney is charged with a job to do, and oh, boy, does he do it! You would not believe the hi jinks our favorite canine pulls, but in the end, he is the boss!!
The only way to access these excellent films is through the kids' section of, which unfortunately has caused the entire oeuvre to exist in relative obscurity. In an effort to allow these movies to reach a broader audience, here is the link:
These movies are also the closest we may get to a reality show about life in The White House (unless, perhaps, finger-on-the-pulse Obama and the soon-to-be First Mom would like to change that, please), so for that reason alone, they are culturally relevant and required watching.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Dairy Diary
I ate 2-goblets worth of chocolate pudding in a hurry today, only to find myself, 30 minutes later, shuttling back and forth between the bathroom and my office for the next 2 hours in a cold sweat. At times, I was in the stall so long that the motion-sensor lights shut off, forgetting all about the presence of my sentient being. I haven't jacked my system up like that in a while.
I must admit--at first, I thought it might have been that old mushy salmon I ate for lunch. What was I thinking?! It was so obviously the chocolate pudding. And so arrives the debut of . . .
Entry 1: loads of chocolate pudding eaten quickly in one sitting.
And just because I want to add a "homeless" tag to this entry, I pose the following rumination: what do homeless people do when they get diarrhea? Surely they get sick all of the time eating food out of the garbage. Is the sidewalk the answer? Aside: Now that I'm a dog-owner, I realize how easily a plastic bag can turn into a portable toilet. If/when I am homeless, I plan to excrete my solid waste into plastic bags.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
10-year replacement cycle
because my mind is boggled and blown by how much of my stuff has literally deteriorated or been used up, i'm going to keep an ongoing list here:
- sneakers for the exercise
- digital camera
- computer
- summer sandals/flip flops
- summer dresses
- nightclothes
- casual belts
- casual bags
- eyeglasses
- exercise clothes
- pants to kick around in
- casual summer shirts
- nasty t-shirts
do you know how long it took me to build a decent nasty t-shirt collection?!
update (7/30/08):
- down comforter
- jeans
update (9/5/08):
- carry-on suitcase
- weekender shoulder luggage
- got a digital camera (thanks!)
- got a down comforter
Friday, July 18, 2008
creative people see more
this finding is in line with my own observations. those people i know who i consider to be creative see the many potentialities of a situation, as opposed to one clear path. and that enhanced sight can be a blessing and a curse--seeing the world through a lens of possibilities is both invigorating and paralyzing at the same time. career choice is one obvious example. with an open mind regarding the type of life that could bring joy, the type of goals to strive for, and the ways to achieve those goals, there is often a less clear career path for creative folks than there is for those who are happy as clams if they attain, in any way possible, a) a big house, b) a family, and c) a secure retirement.
ignorance, it seems, is indeed bliss.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Pepper Spray Revisited.
Much to my dismay, information regarding carrying pepper spray for self-defense in New York state/New York City is inaccessible. The NYC website, which is quite remarkable in other ways, makes no mention of pepper spray rules/regulations, despite the presence of other safety tips. The city's catch-all live information hotline, 311, is also of no use. Nor are the police precincts that 311 operators connect my call to. And so I'm therefore providing the information below in the hopes that it will help other curious and cautious New York residents seeking information about carrying pepper spray:
- be over 18
- not have been previously convicted in NY of a felony or any assault
- not have been convicted of a crime outside the state of New York if that crime, if committed in New York, would constitute a felony or an "assault crime"
- Unfortunately, pharmacies at our ubiquitous Duane Reade do not seem to carry pepper spray.
- is at least 8% pepper and
- more importantly, has a 1.5 mil to 2 mil Scoville Heat Unit (SHU) rating
My Pocket Pistol is 10% pepper but there is no SHU rating. Some say the absence of an SHU rating means the spray is probably a joke and will only enrage an assailant, but I trust the one I bought because of the Self Defenses website and the nice Self Defenses man on the phone.
Lesson Remembered
- do not allow a stranger to lure me into a conversation that only they want to have
Monday, May 19, 2008
can't stand ya
The whole time I was thinking in the back of my head how I was going to feel with George being in my neighborhood. It would mean we would become better friends and I would get scooped up into the Seinfeld clan, which would be pretty neat, I thought, since I had enjoyed their company when they were on television. But then I gave it further thought, and it occurred to me that I probably wouldn't really get along with that group. And George would probably grow extremely annoying extremely quickly.
I can't believe how ridiculous I am. Now, in my waking life, I'm actually kind of bummed at the realization that I wouldn't like Seinfeld and his fictitious buddies. For this bizarre blurring of my boundaries between fiction and reality, I blame, which has full episodes online for me to listen to while I mutter and putter around my apartment.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
stain of disdain
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
school year calendar
Melons calm me
Stone fruit, cold fruit, warm fruit
I am.
Melon fruits they satiate
Memories they illuminate
Reminding me of melancholy
The melancholy
I am.
Monday, April 21, 2008
The Decorum's Endorsements
Elections can be a confusing time. Poorly organized dissemination of information and the need for the government to appear nonpartisan in executing election-related documents and procedures makes it hard for us non-political junkie voters to equip ourselves with adequate information to make an informed vote.
With the NC Primary quickly approaching (May 6th!), I present you with my endorsements for the more obscure various and sundry positions that you will see on your ballot for the Democratic Primary. And by "more obscure," I mean non-Presidential. I've also tried to include a little about what in tarnation the truly obscure positions do. N.B. I am actually registered as Unaffiliated, but I needed to select a party in order to exercise my right to vote in the primary election.
US SENATE (Howard Staley, Kim Hagan, Duskin C. Lassiter, Jim Neal, Marcus W. Williams)
- Howard Staley: he's a podiatrist and not part of the machine, and the only one (based on candidates' websites/web presenceces) to recognize that the U.S. actually needs immigrants and to hint that he will help illegal immigrants get documented properly. Did I mention he's a podiatrist?
GOVERNOR (Richard H. Moore, Dennis Nielsen, Bev Perdue)
- Richard H. Moore: seems to have a good head on his shoulders - not loopy like Dennis Nielsen (who wants guns everywhere and declares he's better than pimps) and more sophisticated than Bev Perdue - and I like how he's getting companies to be more environmentally friendly by speaking their language (the language of cash-money)
LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR (Dan Besse, Walter H. Dalton, Hampton Dellinger, Pat Smathers) - basically the Vice Governor.
- Dan Besse: he's healthy through and through! Whereas some candidates just talk about the environment because they have to (e.g., my pick for Governor), it is clear Besse actually cares about it--just look at that picture on his website of his vital self jogging! This is a man who knows clean living (or knows how to act like it, anyway), and The Decorum likes that. Hampton Dellinger sent me a campaign postcard all the way to my NY address. That put him on my radar, but then I looked him up on the intranets, and he's scary. He and his wife are spooooookykykykykyky. They're going for a waaaay to high-gloss polished and picture-perfect image--doesn't that just ask to be tarnished? Don't get me wrong, this Dellinger character has had an illustrious career at such a young age, but he needs to stop being such a stomach-turning politician and get real. He even made his poor wife make some low-budget video championing her husband's first-rate qualities. This is 1) cheesy, 2) painful, and 3) just asking for resentment from her down the line.
AUDITOR (Beth A. Wood, Fred Aikens) - audits the state's use of monies to make sure grants, tax dollars, etc. are being spent properly
- Beth A. Wood: she's worked in the Auditor's office for years and had a falling out with the incumbent (her boss), she was a dental hygenist, an occupation I respect because it seems its one that allows women to support themselves easily, and put herself through school to get her CPA, likes to do the shag, seems ambitious and a little severe (just look at the way she does herself up - reminds me of Susan Powter), which I kind of like
COMMISSIONER OF INSURANCE (Wayne Goodwin, David C. Smith) - something about looking out for insurance for people in NC
- David C. Smith: i like his ugly mug better than Goodwin's ugly mug in that he looks more genuine, and i like that he has gotten awards for renovating his house from the Durham Historical Society or whatnot and i like that he lives in Durham
COMMISSIONER OF LABOR (Robin Anderson, Mary Fant Donnan, Ty Richardson, John C. Brooks) - looks after/creates policies that affect workers
- Robin Anderson: one of the best supervisors I've ever had, and I'm overjoyed to see she's running for office for the first time! Anderson and I kicked it in NYC for a week while I was here for a summer internship and she was here for a client meeting. An impressive professional, effective mentor, and approachable and affable superior, I have no doubt she would do the right thing for NC employees. A look at her website confirms this.
SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION (Eddie Davis, June St. Clair Atkinson) - something about public instruction
- Eddie Davis: not a lot of information about these two, but Eddie seems like a nice guy
TREASURER (Janet Cowell, Michael Weisel, David Young) - manages, like, the state pension and other state investment monies
- Janet Cowell: she went to impressive schools and is or was a NC Senator during which time she did some sustainable energy initiatives. I also like that she's fairly young but clearly ambitious.
NC STATE SENATE DISTRICT 23 (Ellie Kinnaird, Moses Cary, Jr.)
- Ellie Kinnaird: this was a hard choice and since both are strong and I am lazy, I choose Kinnaird because she was mayor of Carrboro, so she probably has her mind in the right place. Also, apparently she went to Carleton for college, so she's smart.
COURT OF APPEALS JUDGE (James A. Wynn, Jewel Ann Farlow, Dean R. Poirier) - judge for the first court you go to when you want to appeal a decision from a case where you sued someone or whatnot
- James A. Wynn: lesser of evils - he's seeking re-election, he's a minority, and he's not crazy conservative like Poirier. Don't know anything about Jewel, except that she's supported by some obscure GOP website. Hello, campaign manager?
COURT OF APPEALS JUDGE (Kristin Ruth, Sam J. Ervin, IV, Janet Pueschel, John M. Tyson) - again, - judge for the the first court you go to when you want to appeal a decision from a case where you sued someone or whatnot
- Kristin Ruth: lesser of evils. Some minority groups endorse her, but she seems pretty lackluster and a part of the old guard of southern female ambition. Pueschel is hard to find on the internet (= automatic negative) and just has a website for her law firm. Both her internet presence and her experience as represented on the website seem unimpressive and confusing, so she's out. Ervin is also incommunicado on the internet, and Tyson is a member of the Federalist Society and all conservative and whatnot, so there's no point in dealing with him.
DISTRICT COURT JUDGE DISTRICT 15B (Page Vernon, Glenn Gerding, Lamar F. Proctor, Jr.) - this is the judge for the trial court, meaning the first court you go to when you sue or get sued or whatnot and where you would have a jury. If things went badly here, you'd appeal and go to a judge in the Court of Appeals.
- Page Vernon: lovely lady who some people at the Piedmont Biofuels Coop like, humble, has had a down-to-earth career and seems sincere and not a part of the machine. Proctor just comes off as too young and too much of a career-climbing whipper-snapper. I also aribtrarily dislike several things about him: he is from SC originally and is therefore invading NC with his presence, he went up to NYC after law school in SC and based on his resume didn't find a job for awhile (or had nothing good to speak of), and to me that makes it look like he went to NYC for superficial reasons
COUNTY LAND TRANSFER TAX (Real property transfer tax at the rate of up to 0.4% of value or consideration) (For, Against) - a way for the county to raise money because it needs it. Counties got permission to either levy this tax or up the sales tax a bit.
- For: keep people from selling their homes maybe, which my xenophobia says is a good thing. plus, i don't want to pay no extra sales tax.
Friday, April 4, 2008
- It doesn't matter where you are but what you're doing.
- On moving: wherever you go, there you are. You have to be the panacea you wish to see in the world.
- Bloom where you're planted.
The first two are courtesy of The Wise Messr. Alexander. The bloom notion is courtesy of Joel Osteen in Your Best Life Now discussing god (apparently), but widely applicable, I think.
The bloom notion elaborated:
I was walking in the woods one day when I came to a big, open field that was full of tall weeds. Everywhere I looked, all I could see were ugly, brown, dried-up weeds. But when I went a little farther down the path, I noticed one beautiful flower standing in the midst of all the weeds. It was so colorful, so vivid and, amazingly, it had blossomed right there in the midst of those drab, dreary weeds. You may live or work around a bunch of weeds, but don't let that stop you from blooming. Realize that your environment does not prevent you from being happy. Some people spend all their time trying to pull up all the weeds. Meanwhile, they miss much of their lives.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
do push-ups
Based on national averages, a 40-year-old woman should be able to do 16 push-ups and a man the same age should be able to do 27. By the age of 60, those numbers drop to 17 for men and 6 for women. Those numbers are just slightly less than what is required of Army soldiers who are subjected to regular push-up tests.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
On Creativity & Independence
My graduate degree is in a highly conservative field that follows a structured, rigid path in everything it does. In addition, I had the good fortune of going to a graduate school with a student population unlike anything I would ever voluntarily associate myself with (15 years behind in awareness, unapologetically ignorant, the like). The whole endeavor was a culture shock for me and a significant learning experience. Don't get me wrong--I was miserable and had wholesale hate for 98% of my classmates, and even now, I only half-like the 2% I consider to be my friends, but I appreciate the experience for what it taught me. To wit: that I am different from most people in that I am more creative and more thoughtful than most people.
Now, I knew these things about myself from the bottom of my heart already, but my bland graduate schooling was just the foil to my being that I needed. Really, what it did was give me the swift kick in the butt that I needed to finally embrace myself and my true nature.
With a clearer vision of myself, who I am, what I want, my modus operandi, etc., I have been able to define more fully the meaning of the word "creativity" for my personal dictionary.
Creativity is more than, for example, skill at aesthetics. Is the neighborhood hairdresser with an eye for flattering hairstyles creative? I venture to say no, though I do recognize and appreciate her good eye. Full-on creativity seeps into all facets of life, resulting in a complete liberation of the mind. A free mind constrained not by the infrastructure of daily life--that is what marks the truly creative.
I think I have a good working definition for two reasons: 1) it bespeaks of a certain independence from society, people, and one's own self, which is key, if not the key to creative thought and 2) it allows for the location of creative individuals any and everywhere--all too often, I think people operate on a narrow definition of creativity that pretty much isolates the identification of creative people to those who work in creative industries. This is a prime example of constrained thinking. A drone is a drone is a drone, even if that drone spends his days dESiGniNg tHe LoOK oF fOoD on a plate to be photographed for a menu.
The truly creative exist in constant conflict with the rest of society. With liberated minds, these individuals are able to see more potential in every aspect of life. And with that heightened vision comes complications, e.g.,: (1) more choices, which can be paralyzing; (2) dissonance between what they see and what society sees, what they want and what society wants; and (3) a seeming inability to meet societal expectations.
A few steps may be taken to avoid these complications. For now, I can think of three to share:
- active resistance. you have to resist the crushing structure of living the way that most people are living or else you will be unhappy. doing this requires ignoring most people (see below), including any friends and loved ones who do not have the same creative capacity that you do (why you're even friends with them is another post), for they will not understand, and someone, either you or they, will feel alienated. note: it will be harmful if you're the one that feels alienated.
- intentional communities. not necessarily a hippie commune, but efforts to surround yourself with other people whose ideas, though not necessarily similar to yours, also fly as high as kites will reduce the discomfort of existence in society
- try not to get caught in a wheel of society. this is a bit tangential, but still important and related to the above. endeavor to make lifestyle choices that don't carry the potential of coming back and biting you in the butt because then you might have to succumb to a fold that is disharmonious with who you are. e.g., getting a new car might bind you to working a disharmonious job so you can pay for it, having a child might force a certain stability out of you that you don't have to give (& is therefore disharmonious).
The "cartoons drawn on the back of business cards" guy Hugh MacLeod inspired me to write this after just a cursory look at this posting of his on creativity + authenticity, which i found while googling how to start my own business:
If a cursory look could inspire me, what could reading the whole thing do? I read it, and it has sublime insights. It's like he took my jumbled thoughts, added eloquence and profound thinking, diced, seasoned, marinated, ate, and digested them 10 years ago and now there's a green sprig that has sprouted in the fertilizer, and he's talking about how it got there. The introductory how-to list on being creative is compelling--the post, of which a pdf is also available, elaborates on it. For your convenience and pleasure, here is the list:
1. Ignore everybody.
2. The idea doesn't have to be big. It just has to be yours.
3. Put the hours in.
4. If your biz plan depends on you suddenly being "discovered" by some big shot, your plan will probably fail.
5. You are responsible for your own experience.
6. Everyone is born creative; everyone is given a box of crayons in kindergarten.
7. Keep your day job.
8. Companies that squelch creativity can no longer compete with companies that champion creativity.
9. Everybody has their own private Mount Everest they were put on this earth to climb.
10. The more talented somebody is, the less they need the props.
11. Don't try to stand out from the crowd; avoid crowds altogether. 12. If you accept the pain, it cannot hurt you.
13. Never compare your inside with somebody else's outside.
14. Dying young is overrated.
15. The most important thing a creative person can learn professionally is where to draw the red line that separates what you are willing to do, and what you are not.
16. The world is changing.
17. Merit can be bought. Passion can't.
18. Avoid the Watercooler Gang.
19. Sing in your own voice.
20. The choice of media is irrelevant.
21. Selling out is harder than it looks.
22. Nobody cares. Do it for yourself.
23. Worrying about "Commercial vs. Artistic" is a complete waste of time.
24. Don't worry about finding inspiration. It comes eventually.
25. You have to find your own schtick.
26. Write from the heart.
27. The best way to get approval is not to need it.
28. Power is never given. Power is taken.
29. Whatever choice you make, The Devil gets his due eventually.
30. The hardest part of being creative is getting used to it.
31. Remain frugal.
32. Allow your work to age with you.
33. Being Poor Sucks.
34. Beware of turning hobbies into jobs.
35. Savor obscurity while it lasts.
36. Start blogging.
Monday, February 25, 2008
hot mess
growing out Li'l Puff's hair
Thursday, February 21, 2008
my doorman is a doormat
Monday, February 18, 2008
no more delays
- who i strive to be
- who i am on occasion
- who i am usually or
- who i end up being through inadvertance?
- don't delay
- be what i want to be & live the life i want to live right here and now
i'm eustressed and distressed with these revelations. i feel i'm seeing things with a clarity that is unprecedented. and for the first time in my life, i know that i'm on the brink of something good.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
tomorrow, the bronx
If you're in a rush, just read clander's posts and skip over the other contributors'.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
throwin' elbows
i've been networking myself silly of late, and it sometimes feels much more like i'm throwing elbows.
as civilized as you behave at such functions, you are working people and the room with an agenda. it's a constant hustle, this profession.
i talked with one gentleman this evening who clearly was not buying. his lost interest became evident some time after my attempt to salvage an early unguarded answer. he makes a good point--candor is not the name of this game (so sue me, i'm rusty).
but the problem with him is that he completely obliterated all sport in the evening's activity, veiled hint of ulterior motives and all. stripped down to sales pitches alone, all conversations are entirely unpleasant. and this is what he wanted from me. but why? whyyy?! was it his validated sense of entitlement? probably. in addition, however, i think he was actually disinterested from the get. to overcome same, he deigned to give me a chance to persuade him otherwise, lest he come off as rude. this was a small, tiny opportunity, but an opportunity nonetheless, and i failed to utilize it to my advantage. lesson learned. 1) know your fans. 2) know your audience (usually not my fans). 3) know the game (barf).
Sunday, January 27, 2008

Monday, January 21, 2008
the square community
i've been waging a war against the square community for almost a decade now, and it's starting to feel like the squares are winning. they're making me bland. i'm conforming to their lackluster desires. i'm wearing their lackluster clothing and following their lackluster schedule and letting their pathetic hopes, dreams, fears, comforts, and existence seep into mine.
i need to move to an abandoned warehouse in the country.
i need to know what claude monet and rainer maria rilke did besides paint and write.
these 2 writings are helpful:
1) Failure is the best thing ever because it broadens your horizons and equips you in ways success never could - an article in Men's Health (as posted in someone else's blog). Excerpt:
Maybe failure isn’t the problem. Maybe expectation is.
After I was fired from my TV show, I was certain I’d never work in television again. I’d been given a great opportunity and blown it. The studio and network were out millions of dollars. But then the phone started ringing, with studios and networks asking whether I’d consider doing TV again. What had changed?
Nothing. I’d simply forgotten what folks working in TV take as a given: Most shows fail. Every spring, the networks introduce new products to replace the fall and winter die-off. When a show tanks, they don’t spend weeks wondering why. They put a new show in its place.
They expect failure, and are delighted when it doesn’t come.
In the case of Tom, my hunch is that he’d become stuck in an expectation loop. He’d spent years carefully mapping out his ascent: student-body president, law-school review, a great internship. He expected to succeed - we all should - but he hadn’t considered alternate paths to success. One misstep sent him scrambling, questioning all his other assumptions. Of course, it’d be wrong for me to write Tom off. Maybe his latest failure will force him to reassess his expectations. Maybe it’ll be what finally propels him to success.
Most of us will never run a TV show or run for elected office. But we will all fail, repeatedly. Failure is a universal condition. We lose our jobs; we lose our marriages; we lose to the dealer’s flush in Vegas.
When these traumas happen, we generally find ourselves on the familiar Kübler-Ross stages of loss: denial and isolation, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. But how we cope is less important than how we remember the experiences afterward. The best failures aren’t forgotten; they’re incorporated into our life’s narrative.
My D.C. debacle, as miserable as it was to live through, has become a cherished memory. It’s a small scar that invites a big story, with big personalities. At first, I framed myself as the innocent victim in the drama, but over the years I came to view the whole thing as more of a hurricane that we all weathered together.
The great thing about surviving a storm is that you’re much better prepared the next time the winds start kicking up. You recognize the early warnings. You stock up on essentials. And, most crucial, you go in knowing that no matter what happens, you can always rebuild.
Failure makes you ready in ways that success never could.
The next time I found myself pitching a show, I had a much clearer idea of what I wanted. I knew what I was good at and what I was better off delegating to others. I knew that as much as I believed in the show, if it all went south, I’d be okay.
Because I’d failed, I wasn’t afraid of failing. And that enabled me to push a lot harder for what I believed in.
The movie is unconventional and questionably commercial. In its wildest success, it might play festivals and arthouses before hitting DVD. Given all these risks, why do it?
Because even in failure, I knew I’d grow from it. There were things I needed to learn about movies - and myself - that I wasn’t going to learn from writing another script.
It’s just like weight training, really. You push yourself until your muscles fail. That’s how you grow stronger. Likewise, in life, unless you seek you’ll never mentally develop beyond that scrawny kid from high school.
That’s why you have to drop to one knee and propose to the girl you’re pretty sure you love. That’s why you have to send out your résumé, even though your job is just fine. That’s why you have to climb that 14,000-foot mountain. It won’t always work out. You may get divorced. Or fired. Or frostbitten. But the alternative is a life of vague disappointment.
When that nagging little voice pops up, wondering what’s going to happen if you fail, just ignore it. Yes, it’s hard. As humans, we’re programmed for loss aversion. But money is just money. Your job is just your job. Your life - the adventure of your life - is all you really have that’s yours.
When things go wrong, when you’re sliding toward an unavoidable crash, don’t panic. In those long seconds before the impact, look around and figure out how you entered into this mess. Think about how you’ll frame the story a year from now, over a few beers. Can you come up with an honest version that ends, “So in a funny way, it was the best thing that ever happened to me”?
Perfect. Then brace yourself.
2) Perhaps it's time to take a leap instead of muddling through - Passion Ave & Conformity St, a blog post about making a choice when faced with crossroads. Not all that insightful in and of itself, but it does have that great title and these quotes that make me restless and keep me questioning work, my job, money, life, etc.:
Work is necessary: “Without work, all life goes rotten. But when work is soulless, life stifles and dies.” —Albert Camus
Stupid 401k: “Chase your passion, not your pension.”— Denis Waitley
Don't settle: “Is not life a hundred times too short for us to bore ourselves?”—Friedrich Nietzsche
Need to love the work: “With out passion you don’t have energy, with out energy you have nothing.”— Donald Trump
The time is now: “Waste no more time talking about great souls and how they should be. Become one yourself!”-Marcus Aurelius Antoninus
You have to try: “Do the one thing you think you cannot do. Fail at it. Try again. Do better the second time. The only people who never tumble are those who never mount the high wire. This is your moment. Own it.”-Oprah Winfrey
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Waste (The Swan Song)
- another man's treasure (please donate/sell instead of throwing out) and
- small-scale natural resources (please print double-sided).
Jernhusen markets the building as "environment smart" and aims for its energy consumption to be half of what a corresponding building usually is.
(Reporting by Anna Ringstrom)