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    Thursday, September 13, 2007

    Converting to a Saint

    Whenever I flip through a fashion magazine and see those St. John ads with that emotionally mature blond lady wearing those tedious conservative knit suits, I roll a pair of eyes that I keep tucked inside my brain (right behind my forehead, to be exact) and reaffirm my thoughts on how ugly, repetitive, and utterly incomprehensible the St. John clothing line is. In an equally incomprehensible maneuver, I up and bought a St. John suit this past weekend during my 2-hour wait for a rental car. It's surprisingly sumptuous, and I think I've been converted.

    Update: I decided to pull up this picture to show you all how bad this lady and her outfit suck, but I can't seem to muster up the hate anymore. In fact, horror of horrors, I'm looking at the lines of that jacket and finding them quite alluring.

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