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    Tuesday, September 4, 2007

    To Do

    Last night was my first night alone in my new apartment. I've often felt lonely in NYC, and so it was familiar and almost comforting to be here and lonely yesterday.

    1) go to West Elm store in Chelsea to try to buy a bed
    2) figure out a temporary lighting solution
    3) unpack work clothes
    4) (buy iron if necessary)
    5) put boxes into categories
    6) go to Ikea this weekend to purchase more permanent lighting solution

    Since I couldn't sleep last night, I devoured some recent Trader Joe's acquisitions and did a little bit of unpacking of kitchen-related items. I haven't gotten out of bed yet this morning to see my nocturnal handiwork, but I actually think it might now look even worse than pictured.

    I'm going to have to figure out what to do with my precious cast iron pots/pans and other valuable kitchenery--is it indeed time to live alone?

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