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    Sunday, September 9, 2007

    My Maternal Grandparentals Were Botanists

    unfortunately, i learned nothing about thumbgreenery from them. do i need a bigger flower pot for the above-pictured plants? please advise--this is only my 1.5th time trying to raise foliage.
    my mother has adopted my 1st plant, an aloe, which i forgot to bring with me when i moved. i'm typically disinclined toward raising anything without a purpose (unlike, e.g., aloe & basil, which are highly utilitarian), but i liked how these plants were called, simply, "tropical plants" (i do so love the tropics). in the middle pot, i will grow grass for Lil' Puff and i to remember the suburbs by (i do so love the suburbs).


    tevan said...

    I wouldn't put tropical plants in a flower pot -- who knows what the implications of that are? get a bigger tropical plant pot.

    Animo Forest said...

    i was hoping the implications would be that the tropical plants would flower. i wonder if this changes your answer.

    tevan said...

    it changes my planter.

    Animo Forest said...

    and feeds your banter.